symptom of kidney stones

kidney stones sign and symptom useful information

Monday, August 04, 2008

Prevent yourself from getting kidney

The cause of kidney stone is due to our urine became too concentrated where stones is form due to substance in our urine crystalize. Kidney stone may be forms in our ureter or pelvis area. As the crystal or stone thats move down from the kidney to the ureter then symptom is shown such as heavy pain at the back in the affected parts. The pains usually last not longer then an hours as when the stone has passed to our bladder from the ureter easing the pain.

Others symptoms of the kidney stones are feeling hard and burning sensation when urine, and finding cloudy and smelly urine. You will feel fever and chills in the body. Notice blood in the urine and if it is severe it will accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Prevent yourself from getting kidney stone by drinking plenty of water each day. As water helps to flush away the substances that form stones in the kidneys.


Friday, May 16, 2008

The many risk factor of develop kidney stone

Kidney stone are cause when there is a decrease in our urine volume and the formation of a excess of stone forming substances in the urine and the most common types of kidney stone contains calcium with a combination of either oxalate or phosphate. Other chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinary tract include uric acid and the amino acid cystine.

Men are more likely to develop kidney stone than women. Family with kidney stone history are a risk factor of develop kidney stone. People who exercise a lot and seldom drink water increases them self the risk of develop kidney stone due to dehydration through reduced fluid intake. People who suffered Gout are at rick of develop kidney stone due to the increased amount of urid acid in the urine and slowly lead to the formation of urid acid stones. People who have had an intestinal bypass or ostomy surgery are also more likely to develop kidney stones.

Most of the symptoms of kidney stone are pain in the lower back and pain in the abdomen and at times it will accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Finding hard to urine and sometimes notice blood in the urine. When experience such symptoms drinks a lot of water and explain to your doctor the symptoms you are experience.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The cause and symptoms of kidney stone

Kidneys stone are cause due to the out of balance of the formation of the components in our urine, the fluid and various minerals and acids. When our urine contain more crystal-forming substances. This crystal substance slowly stick together and later forming substance called stone. Most kidney stones contain crystals of more than one type.

Most of the sign and symptoms of kidney stone are pain at the side and back and is always below our ribs. You will feel pain when urination and find that your urine give a cloudy or foul-smelling urine and at times feel bloody. Experience pain waves radiating from the side and back to the lower abdomen and groin and at times the pain will last till 50 minutes. Nausea and vomiting, feeling fevers and Persistent urge to urinate. The best treatment for the beginning of kidney stone is to drink plenty of water each days and doing light exercise to get rids of the urid acid.


Friday, November 30, 2007

Ways to prevent kidneys stone

Kidney stone are crystal separated from our urine and stays on the inner surface of our kidney, these crystal slowly forms a hard substance in our kiney called stone. It is said that chemicals such as calcium combined with either oxalate or phosphate and slowly develop into stones

The symptoms of kidney stone patients are finding their urine unsualy colour and sometimes will notice blood with the urine. Experience pain towards the stomach such as stomach aches and groin pain, going to toilet more often than required, gagging vomit, nausea and having fever quite often.

The best ways to prevent kidneys stone are to live in a healthier life style. Drinks a lots of water each day to avoild crystal forms in our kidney. Drinks less coffee or avoild coffee as caffeine contribute to kiney stone. Avoild spicy and heated foods as this is also one of its contribution. Less food intake like cheese and sugar. Go for some light excerise like waking, jogging, swimming or cycling. Take more vetables and fruits.


Monday, October 01, 2007

Removal of the tumour by RCC of kidney cancer patients

Radical surgical removal of localised tumor is the only potentially curative treatment of Renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The aim is to achieve a complete removal of the tumour, with a wide surgical margin of normal tissue. Partial removel of the affected kidney with an adequate margin of normal kidney is increasingly being used as primary surgical therpy for patients with small tumour less than 4cm in size.

Other therapeutic approaches being explored for treatment of small renal cancer include use of cryoablation, high intensity focused ultrasound scan and radiofrequency ablation. About a third of the patients with RCC will present with disseminated disease. The prognosis for advance RCC is generally poor. The five year survival rate is typically less than ten percent. UP to recent times, RCC has been known to be among the most resistant to any form of chemotherapy.


New treatment of kiney cancer

Kidney cancer is one of the more common cancers that affect the urinary system. more than eighty percentage of all kidney cancer are renal cell carcinoma. Over the past few decades, there appears to be an increasing trend worldwide, Rcc occurs and has a male to female ratio 2 to 1. It is now well established that renal cell carcinoma does not represent a single disease linked to many difference genetic abnormalities.

Cigretter smokeing has been consistenly implicated and cigarette smokers have more than twice the risk of developing RCC. The sign and symptoms are that more than 60% of patients present with gross haematuria ( blood in the sugar ), back pain, abdominal mass or anaemia. Symptoms arising from metastatic disease such as shortness of breath, cough, fits, hradache and bone pain are found in thirty percentage of the patients.

Currently with routine use ultrasound and CT scans, many renal tumors are detected incidentally. Out of the 169 RCC cases operated, as mentioned above, 65% were men and 35% were female.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Four doctors held over illegal kidney trade in Pakistan

I read from a newspaper about pakistani men who sold their kidney for money and some kidney was transplant against the will of the poor people by the doctors. Some of this pakistani men even show their scare to the media at the police station.

Four doctors were arrested by the police included the owner of the local private hospitals in eastern pakistan after the doctors were implicated in the illegal trade and transplant of kidneys and some without the concent of the poor people. The arrests came after police detained two men for allegedly enticing poor people to sell their kidneys for money and some was force to sell their kidneys. The doctor should be striped off his title if proved guilty if poor people are force and some even do not know that their kidneys are transplant to other people.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Warning signs of kidney disease

There are many ways to prevent ourself from getting kidney disease or kidney stone as the saying goes prevention is better than cure. Take more fruits and vegetable in your daily diets, eat more fibre and reduce the consumtions of salt, sugar and fats. Have regular exercise.

If you are a smokers, stop smoking now as smoking damages our blood vessels wall which can lead to atherosclerosis and ischemia of the kidney. If you are diabetes patients and family history of kidney disease should have a regular blood and urine test to monitor their kidney status.

The warning signs of kidney disease are pain or burning sensation when passing urine. You will wake up very often at night to the toilet for urinations. Notice blood in the urine, swelling of ankles or around our eyes. Pain at our lower back or under the ribs and sometimes radiating to the groin and lastly sign of having high blood pressure.


The functions of our kidneys

All people have two kidneys lying on the back wall of the abdomen. The kidneys contain a complicated system of filters and tubes. Apart from the main function of filtering off impurities from the blood, they enable many essential nutritions to be absorted back into the bloodstream from the tubes.

The functions of the kidneys as kidneys has small filtering units called nephrons which cleanse the blood of waste products. and assists with the control of blood pressure. The kidney is the main source of epotien hormone which is essential for red blood cell production and also removes excessive fluits from the body. Others functions of the kidney is to regulates the amount of salt acid, salkaline and others chemicals in our body to maintain physiological balance and its produces an active form of vitamin D, which help maintain the health of our bones.
