symptom of kidney stones

kidney stones sign and symptom useful information

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Warning signs of kidney disease

There are many ways to prevent ourself from getting kidney disease or kidney stone as the saying goes prevention is better than cure. Take more fruits and vegetable in your daily diets, eat more fibre and reduce the consumtions of salt, sugar and fats. Have regular exercise.

If you are a smokers, stop smoking now as smoking damages our blood vessels wall which can lead to atherosclerosis and ischemia of the kidney. If you are diabetes patients and family history of kidney disease should have a regular blood and urine test to monitor their kidney status.

The warning signs of kidney disease are pain or burning sensation when passing urine. You will wake up very often at night to the toilet for urinations. Notice blood in the urine, swelling of ankles or around our eyes. Pain at our lower back or under the ribs and sometimes radiating to the groin and lastly sign of having high blood pressure.


The functions of our kidneys

All people have two kidneys lying on the back wall of the abdomen. The kidneys contain a complicated system of filters and tubes. Apart from the main function of filtering off impurities from the blood, they enable many essential nutritions to be absorted back into the bloodstream from the tubes.

The functions of the kidneys as kidneys has small filtering units called nephrons which cleanse the blood of waste products. and assists with the control of blood pressure. The kidney is the main source of epotien hormone which is essential for red blood cell production and also removes excessive fluits from the body. Others functions of the kidney is to regulates the amount of salt acid, salkaline and others chemicals in our body to maintain physiological balance and its produces an active form of vitamin D, which help maintain the health of our bones.
