Removal of the tumour by RCC of kidney cancer patients
Radical surgical removal of localised tumor is the only potentially curative treatment of Renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The aim is to achieve a complete removal of the tumour, with a wide surgical margin of normal tissue. Partial removel of the affected kidney with an adequate margin of normal kidney is increasingly being used as primary surgical therpy for patients with small tumour less than 4cm in size.
Other therapeutic approaches being explored for treatment of small renal cancer include use of cryoablation, high intensity focused ultrasound scan and radiofrequency ablation. About a third of the patients with RCC will present with disseminated disease. The prognosis for advance RCC is generally poor. The five year survival rate is typically less than ten percent. UP to recent times, RCC has been known to be among the most resistant to any form of chemotherapy.
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