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Friday, April 28, 2006

Learn From This Conversation

This is a phone conversation I have with Paul Counsel
to interview him about creating wealth. The words are
not edited to remain the original conversation transcript.

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Patric: Yeah, Paul why do you think that it is
possible for any ordinary people to actually be a
It sounds you know kind of silly but the
fact is a lot of people think that they will never,
never be a millionaire in their life, yeah.

Paul: Well see if they think that that is true.

Patric: Right.

Paul: And that is the sad thing about it. It doesn't
have to be true but it is true for them. Because you
know the only thing that can expand in your mind are
the thoughts that you actually give it. Now when I
drew the line in 1994, I didn't actually know how to
go out there and create a million dollars, because I
had never done it before.

But what I did was have a absolute belief in my
ability to learn, and to put into place whatever it
was that I was actually learning. So I had a absolute
belief in myself that it was only just a matter of
time. It wasn't a matter of if. It was just a matter
of when.

And so from that day forward I made myself a promise
that I was not going to do the things that I had done
in the previous forty years of my life what I was
actually going to do was everything that I needed to do.

And that meant that I had to learn new ways of
thinking. I had to learn new ways of behaving. I had
to learn new attitudes. I had to put different
thoughts in my mind that I had been putting in my mind
you know previously.

And that is why I say everybody on this call actually
has the capacity it is just a matter of some you know
pretty steady guidance over time and learning a few
skills along the way. But you know doing that in a
sort of a low risk high probability environment.

Patric: How does a millionaire really think?

That is why they continue to be richer you know
because they have certain pattern of thinking there.
And you know that people can say stuff about thinking
and things like that. And think that it is not true
there is a certain pattern involved that all
millionaires, 99% share the same thought.

Paul: In actual fact there is just one thought really.
Basically successful people think in ever expanding
and other people think in ever decreasing or
contracting circles. So this is how my mind started to
work when I started off.

In actual fact, I went out and got a job wrecking
houses, I actually worked four part times jobs. One of
those jobs allowed me to buy some hand tools and you
know like a saw and a drill and stuff like that.

Now the promise that I made myself is, let's say that
I bought a electric drill and let's say that I paid a
$100.00 for that.

Then the promise that I made was that the drill
actually owed me a $100.00, and so I was going to go
and knock on everybody's door and basically hold up my
drill and say look have you got a job, because I have
got a drill. You know it did not happen as simply as
that but I am trying to make it pretty simply.

Now I made that drill earn me a $100.00. Now if I end
with $101.00, then that means that I was $1.00 in
front. If I buy a book and read it, if I buy that book
for $30.00, that books owes me $30.00. If I buy a
course, if I spend $10,000.00 on a course that course
owes me you know $10,000.00.

The way that most people think is they think, oh I
can't afford that. Now the way that you know
millionaires think, is look I actually want that
information I need that information and I have got to
get that information in my head but I have to make the
information pay for itself.

Now as soon as it pays for itself the information is
free the knowledge is free. And so they are always
looking for ways to find out how they can apply their
information. Where as most people are looking for ways
that allow them not to actually access the information
in the first place.

Does it make sense?

Patric: Makes sense yeah, yeah, true, yep.

Paul: So the way that they think is ever-expanding
modes, but the way the other people think is in ever
contracting modes. You can either move toward
something or you move further away from something.
There is no other possibilities on this planet. You
are either moving closer to your goals ...

Patric: Yep, yep.

Paul: And closer to your dreams or you are actually
moving further away from them. Unfortunately most
people think in ways that deny them access. The
successful people think in terms of how can I crack
the code to this dream of mine.

Patric: How can the drill give you the dollars right.

Paul: Yeah, how can a drill give me… you know.

Patric: All right.

Paul: It is like you know people don't buy a drill bit
they actually buy a hole. Most people think that they
drill but they don't they actually buy the hole. The
drill is just the means of getting the hole.

Patric: Yeah the tool is the medium of getting a hole.

Paul: Yeah.

Patric: Yeah. Ok, all right in the Infinite Wealth
Part One, I read this valuable information and
I want you to share, because this is coming from you
and I really love this piece of information.

Who are the people that will become rich and it is not
the scientists, farmers, and you know the whole story
I would love to hear it from you again?

Paul: It is really interesting; you know what is going
on. Cause it actually ties in with what I have just
said. You are either busy moving away from something
or you are actually moving toward something.

Now when I actually started to think about you know
who I wanted to become. One of the things I tried to
find as an identifiable group, if you search the world
over you say now as an identifiable group, who are the
highest paid people on planet earth.

And I started looking at well maybe it is the soldiers
who go and sort of sacrifice their lives to defend our
freedom. And then you look at their pay and I say no,
they are not paid at all.

And then you look at maybe the teachers who you know
teach our children and then you say no they are not
highly paid. And then maybe it is the nurses, well
they are not highly paid. Well maybe it is the people
who grow all of our food, no they are not paid well ...
you know it is not a identifiable group. Then you say
will maybe it is the great spiritual leaders and then
you say no look they have go and struggle for money
and maybe it is the great politicians who run the
country and you know pretty much I earn more in a week
and than our prime minister earns in a year. So it is
not the politicians.

So it is not the politicians and so I kept on you know
searching and searching and searching until I actually
discovered that as an identifiable group the people
that are the most highly paid people on the planet are
the entertainers or the group of the people that I
call the entertainers.

I mean you've only got to be able to run faster, jump
faster, or throw a ball more quickly, more accurately
or hit a white ball further faster and more accurate than
anybody else is and you are pretty much worth a fortune.

You know if you can sing and dance you are worth a
fortune. If you can make movies you are worth a
fortune. You know I think there is a baseball of it
just on a ten-year contract for something like $289
million dollars US.

I mean what is actually going on, and so I discovered
that if you have got a talent for distracting people
from their discomfort
, you are actually worth millions
and so society says well look if you loose your good
looks, if your loose your voice, then by reading the
fine print because you have no value to society.

So it is the entertainers that actually keep us
distracted from you know pretty much the sadness that
we have actually created in our lives. As soon as I
actually learned that, then I learned what people will
actually pay money for and how much they will actually
pay for it.

Patric: Right, yep.

Paul: And you know again it about way this spending
power goes.

Patric: When I read that chapter I mean that paragraph
when you share about that I was really smiling all the
way when I was reading it, you know. It is so true.

Just look at people that kick the balls better, maybe
David Beckham can kick the ball better. Or you know
someone has better looks like Tom Cruise and things
like that. This will make fortune. It is not...

Paul: It what skills can you now develop that help
people move away from their discomfort. That is really
what you are saying.

Patric: Yep, yep. True.

Paul: And as an educator, what I do is I help people
move away from the discomfort of their lack of
financial resources and I help people move toward
abundance of financial resources.

-- End of the conversation --

My Personal Note:I highly recommend you to read
The Infinite Wealth Trilogy. These 3 books will show you how to
create wealth for yourself. Get it by clicking here.

