Caffeine cause kidney stress
A cups of tea or coffee, and a little bit of chocolate, may not be bad for most people, but don’t get to the habit on drinking multiple cups of coffee each day. Too much caffeine isn’t good for our body and kidney stress may lead to kidney stone is one of cause. As your kidneys will be forced to work harder and pump out fluid and toxins when they become dehydrated by caffeine’s purging effect and more active by its metabolism-boosting powers. Try to cut down on your consumptiom of coffee if you see that you are urinating more times than you used to urine a day, try cutting back on caffeine products to see if that helps.
Researce has found that in the majority of cases, men can significantly reduce their risk for urinary and prostate problems by making dietary changes which include eliminating coffee and caffeine also leads to eventual adrenal exhaustion which can leave you vulnerable to a variety of health disorders related to inflammation, autoimmunity, and fatigue. Aging
Most people find in their late forties that they can no longer tolerate the same level of caffeine consumption as they could in their twenties and thirties. The production of DHEA, melatonin, and other vital hormones start to decline and caffeine speeds up that downhill drop. Caffeine dehydrates the body and contributes to the aging of the skin and kidneys. It has been shown to inhibit DNA repair and slow the ability of the liver to detoxify foreign toxins.
All Good to Know...Gimmeeee another McDonalds Coffee!
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